Monday, April 2, 2012

17 Weeks

This is my view looking down. No more toes!

These pictures are sick, I'm way too big already. I have only gained 5 pounds though, I keep on gaining weight, then losing it within a week or two. I eat more food than is served at thanksgiving dinner. Frank has to go grocery shopping once a week now because he will buy 4 boxes of hot pockets and I eat two boxes a day. I don't eat the healthiest because I need things I can microwave or refrigerate at school, but doc says I'm healthy and the baby is healthy. 
Lately my belly button has been very tender. It hurts to roll over in bed or move side to side. I was worried until I read a blog on Google confirming that this is very normal for pregnant women. It's tender because the muscles are moving around since baby is pushing her way towards my belly.
I can't wait to come home this Sunday! It will be so nice to see the family and spend time with everyone. I am bringing two of my friends from school from Sunday-Wednesday because I am hooking up one of them with Devin. Cross your fingers things go well, they would be so cute together! Her name is Acacia, she is 19, long blonde hair, blue eyes, a professional make-up artist, and very sweet. But every one hates her because she is 5'8 and has that model like body, she is a knock out. Good for her I guess... ;) 
These are my 3 besties at school, Acacia, Emily and Aubrie.  Acacia and Emily are coming to Cali with me while Aubrie spends the week at home working for her daddy.  (this pic was taken on the day of the make-up class's big photo shoot, Emily was the model.)

That's about it for now. I have 1,100 hours in school now! This saturday I am doing hair at a Bridal Fair, it should be fun. 
Recent Retarded Moments: 
1. So I made mac & cheese for like the first time in years. I thought it was super easy until I got mac & cheese soup. Turns out I read the 1 and the 2% milk part, thinking it said 1/2 cup of milk when it only needs 1/4 cup milk....big difference. Plus I got so hungry I forgot to add the butter. It's fine though, I still ate the whole box. 
2. Later that night, Frank complained about all the gas i've had lately and my mom suggested I should try cutting out dairy. They both laughed when I asked if that meant I had to give up Top Ramen. 
3. I just thought that maybe there was dairy in the sauce packet or in the noodles. I Don't Know! Frank, laughing the whole time, informed me that there wasn't dairy in Top Ramen and I could still eat it. I just asked because it was an honest concern of mine because I don't want to give it up. Here is kinda how it went down:
Frank- "Why did you think noodles had dairy in them?"
Me- "Idk, I know noodles don't grow on a tree but like idk where they come from"

Frank- "A NOODLE TREE??"
Me- "Idk babe, just freakin' tell me"
Frank- "Noodles are made from wheat, which grows from the ground."
Me- "So I was close with the tree thing...So wait, you have to MAKE noodles?"
Frank- "YES!"
Me- "Well I just thought they grew that way. I am so glad I don't have to make home made noodles."

I later on found out that a lot of people in Italy, or just fancy restaurants still make their own noodles. Totally crazy. Can we all just agree that I REALLY lucked out when I married my smart husband?? I learn something new at least twice a day. This is the life!

1 comment:

  1. If you love milk try lactose free milk. I have zero issues now and I can drink all the milk I want. It tastes just like regular milk, maybe a little sweeter. Soy milk is nasty so don't even try it.
