Saturday, March 10, 2012

Can You Say HORMONAL??

It's starting to hit me, and no one stands a chance. If you look at me wrong, you're dead to me, raise your voice to me and you're just dead. I have long days, school 8:30-5, then I work. Two days ago I was supposed to work till 9:30, so you can imagine how annoying it was staying till 12:30am. I love the money, so I typically agree to staying to help, but that doesn't mean my hormones are agreeing. It was around 11pm, with only five people working, and we were getting slammed. I was taking orders in the drive, making drinks, and handing out the food. Seems easy, but when you are trying to roll 30 cars in a half hour, you can't waste a second. On top of the rush, I get so annoyed with the border line down syndrome customers. After about an hour taking orders, you start to lose it. This is what I deal with:
Customer: "What is the difference between a hamburger and a cheese burger?"
Me: "One piece of cheese sir...."
 (really??? We live in America, we are known for eating burgers and fries, who doesn't know the difference?)

Customer: "I would like a number two no onions, and thats it."
Me: "Uh, so what do you want to drink?"
 (when you order a combo, you're aware it comes with fries and a drink. You obviously know to order onions or no onions, so why can't you manage to tell me your drink??)

Customer: "Can I switch the drink for a shake?"
Customer: "Ok, I'll do that."
Me: "Soooo what kind of shake?"

Oh heavens my heart is angry thinking about hearing these comments. People, we only sell burgers, fries, and shakes. You can order a number 1, 2, or 3, that's it. Why are people still having complications?

Anyways, so I was already annoyed with taking orders, I can't describe how not funny it was when my friends/employees started joking around with me. My manager asked me to do something and I stared at him and said "Watch the tone Jeff" then all the guys laughed and warned everyone to not go in my corner. Funny now, but can't say I was laughing then.
So all of that is going on at work, then I have to deal with school. I had an elderly lady as my client yesterday, and the second I introduced myself she asked if I was pregnant. Old lady river, if this was just a month ago when I was just fat, I would of snapped your neck. As the words came out of her wrinkled mouth, I thought back to China. I was getting a pedicure, when the guy asked my translator a question, the look on my translators face told me it was something I didn't want to hear. So of course I made him tell me. He saw a ring on my left finger and wanted to know if I was married and pregnant. With my other friends with me, listening, I was so embarrassed. This lady, although she was so sweet and genuinely excited for me, she almost lost her life. Utah sucks because there are 7 pregnant girls at my school, it really makes things not special.  Who cares what you are all having, or what crafts you've made for your baby room. You make me sick.
Ugh all this venting literally made me sweat out my anger. I feel great, I'm almost ready for a nap.
I am trying to leave my anger at the door when I come home. Is it working....I'll let Frank tell you how LOVELY I am. It's hard when we both have long days. He works two jobs, both commission, so half the time he is wasting his time and not getting paid. I can only imagine not making any sales, knowing you have a cranky wife on edge and a baby on the way. Whooooops. The good news is, when he makes me angry, it's something I can laugh off. He is just so cute, because he tries so hard to please me, but we all know boys just don't get it. I am so thankful to him for putting the dishes away, but when I open the cupboards and see that things are out of place or the tupperware was thrown in and not stacked, I immediately think "really?? why would you think it would go there? It never goes there!" Then after a deep breath, I realize I'm psycho and I just have a husband who loves me enough to help out, and that he is still a man who doesn't give a crap about the tupperware being stacked. Silly husband, silly wife equals one big happy family.
Speaking of happy family, did I mention I'm finally convinced we are having a ninja baby. It was always implied since my hubby is half Chinese, and both of us have taken Tae Kwon Do, so it's like, obviously the kid won't talk back, he will Judo Chop me in the throat. Racist, no, realistic yes! Last night I woke up to sharp pains in my right side. Ninja baby, escaped the placenta and was trying to exit through my side. I swear I felt his head bulging out my side. I now say it's a he, because my girls will be so innocent and pure, you know...kinda like how I was....I'm cool with this ninja baby though as long as this whole thing doesn't go all Twilight on me, and I grow a mutant baby that sucks the life out of me and frank has to eat through my stomach to get the baby out. Although I could lose a few pounds from the traumatic experience.

Here's the thing, I just read this whole blog, and in case you didn't notice, I am a full throttle delusional pregnant lady. Worst part is, I don't even care. At least I still have 8 of my toe nails and frank hasn't left me yet. Plus I graduate in 5 months!!! Life is B E A U TIFUL! Well, until next time......

1 comment:

  1. It's a good thing I read this post... from now on, I will always tell them what type of drink I want... ;-)
