Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Our First Christmas

This year was our first Christmas together. For me, joining a family means new traditions, and unpredictable holidays. Whereas I can picture exactly how a Christmas day would happen with my family.
Megan and I would be wide awake at 8am, bugging each other just because we are anxious. No one can leave their rooms, preventing us from seeing what Santa brought. So I use my cell phone to call my parents upstairs, to beg them to wake up. Finally around 9am us kids all line up on the stairs from youngest to oldest, and we take a few pictures. Then my dad plays Santa and one by one he hands out our gifts. After we open gifts my mom makes a delicious breakfast while us kids play with our new toys, ignoring everyone and everything around us. For the rest of the day we hangout, the boys watch football/basketball, then we get dressed up for dinner at grandmas. We have a big Christmas dinner with all our aunts, uncles and cousins. It ends up being a great day. Not to mention we have advent calendars full of candy from grandma!
This year was very different but just as great. This year Frank and I spent Christmas in St. George Utah at his aunt and uncles house. Normally I would wake up early so excited for presents. This year I woke up at 6am because my back was killing me. I finally fell back asleep around 8am, so i slept in till 10am. Then Frank, Tim, and I went to go see Mission Impossible 3, which was a great movie. Then Sal, Tanya, Grandpa Jack, aunt Kathy, and the kids came over for lunch. We watched the Maveriks game, and a western movie. Around 6pm we had a delicious ham dinner, compliments to Toni and Tanya. Then around 7pm we all opened our presents. We got some awesome stuff! Some of my favorites, my Chinese CTR ring, "Always Kiss Me Goodnight" wall sticker, and my favorite victoria secret lip gloss and make up!  Yes I lost some sleep, and had to watch basketball, but we had a great weekend. I loved meeting Frank's grandpa who lives in Texas. I loved being able to show off my skills when I gave two hair cuts, then curled Marianne's hair and did her make up. Most of all, I love how generous, kind, and caring his family is. They all put others first, no matter what the circumstance.
This Christmas was very different, but one to remember. I really look up to Frank's family and I'm grateful for the man they have raised. I look forward to the many holidays we will all spend together.

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