Monday, January 9, 2012

Who Says There Shouldn't Be Two Of Me?

Of course there should be two of me. I'm way awesome, I am so good at math people call me calculator head, I'm practically a walking spell check, I know something about everything, and I am the calm easy-going best friend everyone wants!
Let's be honest, if you really know me, you know there should never be a second me! Well too late because I am PREGNANT. The bad news is, I can only add if iIuse my fingers, I can only spell if I have spell check, I don't pay attention so I basically know nothing about nothing, and I am a sporadic psycho. The good news is Frank is everything I am not. He is a genius, smart with money, funny, hard working, and a calm easy-going guy. So as long as our kids come out like him, life will be good. Although I am contributing my really good looks and humility, or as I would say, my humbleness.
With all kidding aside, any kid would be lucky to turn out like me. Ok, ok, I'm just kidding...but seriously, it would be super lucky.
We were not trying to get pregnant, but I defiantly can't complain. It's my dream to be a stay at home mom and cut hair in my house. Now I just need to make sure I will graduate before this baby makes it's grand appearance. I should graduate two-three weeks before the baby comes. Cross my fingers!! So the timing is not quite perfect, but it's fine. So far I am feeling great, I've only been nauseous once. I wake up everyone morning and tell myself "I am not going to be sick today, I'm going to have a great and successful day." It has worked so far, although I am only 6 weeks pregnant, so the worst has yet to come.
Did I mention I was going to be a MOMMY??? My gosh, I am so excited. I can't say the same for Frank though. When we found out it was very hard for Frank to take it all in. Coming from an only child and fatherless family, he was beyond nervous, and he still is. He has warmed up to the idea and now is getting excited, but for a minute I thought he was going to bolt out that door and never come back. Luckily I always keep the door locked so I would of beat him if he tried to leave. It's fine though, we have a very loving and healthy relationship, but obviously, because I'm pregnant so things can't be that bad.
I am so excited to blog about my pregnancy, the ups the downs, my fat pictures, and even my crazy hormonal moments. Like the other day, Frank made dinner and made me a plate. When I was done he asked if I wanted to finish the rest of the dinner. I looked over at the bowl and saw what appeared to be a lot left. I just bawled my eyes out and asked why he would think I would want to eat that much. He was like "Whoa, what? I just thought you would want more." See, we are already having so much fun with these hormones! At least we can both laugh it off and know this is ONLY going to last another 8 months! lol, poor Frank. I try to hide it from him like in this situation: It was only two days after we found out I was pregnant and I knew Frank was still warming up to the idea and it was a touchy subject. I met him at the gym and when I got there he put his hand on my stomach and asked me how the baby was doing. It said "fine i guess, I don't really know". Once I was in my car I pretty much cried all the way home because Frank actually cared about our rice sized baby. I'm sure I looked really awesome to all of those who passed me while driving, but it's fine.
Being pregnant is such a blessing, but a curse on my body. I have already gained weight since my wedding and I'm only going to get bigger, but until I have a cute round belly I just have an atrocious one. Hormones make my face so ugly you would be so polite to even glance at me. AND on top of all my changes and raging hormones I'm off my OCD medication which means I'm psycho again! Yahoo! What a fun year this will be. So if you get any desperate calls from Frank and he is begging you to let him stay with you for a while, you should probably let him in.
On the positive side...We have come up with the cutest baby names!

Top two: Girl- Oakley   Boy- Owen
Others: Girl- Cadence, Madison (Madi), Brooklyn (Brook), Berkley
            Boy- Logan, Landon, Oliver, Caleb

My first baby girl has to have the middle name Noelle. It's my mommy's middle name that she passed to me (tough luck megan) so I want my first girl to have it. If we use the name Owen we love Owen Nathaniel Chou. It sounds like such a strong name.
I feel like I could write about this forever, and it's probably good that I stay occupied. I am so anxious I have already cleaned out what will be our baby room, and I have made a registry. If it was up to me, the baby room would be decorated and set up tomorrow. Whoops...I'm getting ahead of myself. It's fine though. I'll post some pictures after my first doctors appointment Dec. 31st. No need to stare at my fat quite yet. Luckily for you, I always have something to say, so I'll be posting pretty often from now on!

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