Saturday, December 17, 2011

Week One

It's been a while since I have had the time or strength to write something. On Monday I started my medication and my first night was rough. The doc says it will get worse before it gets better, so I warned frank and hoped for the best. Monday night, the first night taking my medication, I had horrible insomnia. I woke up at 2am, 3am and finally I was wide awake at 4am. I decided I should go watch tv and hope to fall asleep. I ended up eating a banana, staring at our Christmas tree, and running to the bathroom every hour. My body was aching, I wanted to sleep but couldn't, and I felt like I was tweaking out. It wasn't until Frank woke up at 7:30am that he knew how weird my night was. He looked all over for me and found me on the floor between the couch and the ottoman. He laughed and asked what I was doing on the floor. My only response was "I have no idea, but I've been here for an hour." That day I went to school, and worked from 6pm-12am, all while still being wide awake.
Ever since that night I've been fine. I sleep well and after a week's worth of medication I have become a whole new person. Unfortunately this is a person Frank isn't too fond of. I used to be a neat freak, loud, weird, terrified, and grumpy. Well my kitchen is covered in dishes, the carpet hasn't seen a vacuum in days, I sleep in, I can keep my mouth shut for more than 5 minutes, and I'm calm. Frank says it's weird that I don't randomly dance around the house, sing, change my voice, or annoy him, yet he likes it. He hates that I don't care to clean. Our rule is, he cooks, I clean. Except now he cooks, and I clean 4-5 days later.
Don't get me wrong, I'm still pretty crazy and the same Ashley I was before. Just now, I feel a lot happier being more relaxed. Although if I want to maintain my marriage I better get to cleaning. So basically things are great.

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