Monday, December 5, 2011

My Fear Factor

Hi, My name is Ashley Chou. I am 20 years old, and for the last 5 years or so, every day has been a constant struggle for me. It's something I've tried to hide because I am embarrassed and I know it's ridiculous. However, in order to get over your fears, you have to face them. So today is the day I put an end to my OCD and anxiety. For the past few years these are the ridiculous things that give me panic attacks:
-People vacuuming or cleaning my room
-People coming over or spending the night
-A messy environment, even one piece of paper on the counter
-Showering when I just washed my hair at school
-Teachers writing on my papers when correcting them...the list goes on.

I live in fear. Fear someone will come out of nowhere and attack me. When I walk to my car, I always kick my feet as I open the door, because I fear someone will be under my car, waiting to cut my Achilles Tendon. I'm afraid of germs. I do not share food or drinks. If someone with diabetes came and sat on my couch, I fear I could get diabetes. 
This is just the beginning of my impractical fears. I know these feelings are so ridiculous it's funny, however I can't control it. I want to control it. I want to feel normal and not get upset over a messy counter top. Life happens, and people move on. Yet I can't seem to move on. Therapists and pills could have solved my problems years ago, but then I feared if I got things under control and let loose, I'd end up living in a pig sty. Then instead of reading about my crazy problems on my blog, you'd be watching me on Hoarders or My Strange Addictions. See, now even my fears have fears.
I am tired and exhausted from living this way. I miss my old, fun, carefree self. The help from my amazing mother and husband has been more than I could ever ask for. Even though they couldn't understand, they always supported me and told me things would be ok. I came to terms that it was time for a change when I realized my fears were affecting others. I have a temper like no other. I'm grumpy and anal and it puts a strain on my marriage. I've lost friends because I won't invite others over and I really prefer not to be at their houses either. And unfortunately I have hurt a lot of people's feelings and have made them feel unwelcome. 
So basically I'm saying today I went to the doctor’s. I'm going to try a low dose anti-depressant that helps with anxiety and OCD.  I am nervous because as a side effect the anxiety makes things get worse before they get better. I hope this, along with therapy, will finally bring me peace.


  1. I am thankful for your OCD for my house has never been so clean since you lived with me. It must have been mentally exhausting at my house. I never realized it was so bad. I'm proud of you for doing something about it and not being too afraid to admit it. So many people are ashamed. I love you! If you ever need a listening ear or someone to vent to, call me anytime.

  2. I am so proud of you, Ashley. You are a wonderful woman and so many people love you and we all want you to be happy. You are so fearless to talk about this and to be working so hard to do something to make yourself happier. We love you!

  3. You are so brave to face your fears Ashley- you inspire me to face my own. Best of luck with the medication and I hope you find that peace you are looking for. <3
