Thursday, May 17, 2012

So Much To Do, So Little Time

It's official, Frank got into the MBA graduate program at BYU starting this August. I am so proud of him, especially since he decided to go to school when there was only a month left to study, take the GMAT test, and apply.

Did I mention he also just got a new job as Assistant Manager for One Main Financial. So he has decided to quit Toyota, and be assistant manager until he starts school in the middle of august. With a baby on the way, and us now needing to move to Provo, it's just the best way to get quick good money.

We are excited about it all. The program is only two years long, plus he will have vacation/holiday time and I will be out of school and doing hair out of our home, plus a few nights a week at In-N-Out. I can't wait for the day when we both get to be home at 6pm, have family dinners, and spend time with our new baby girl.

We will be making our first family appearance in California this Christmas. Madison will be 4 months old, and I can't wait to show her off. Also please be ready to take her from my hands so I can sleep the whole time.

Everything in life is good, I have two more shifts at In-N-Out before I take a month break. I need time to catch up on school and get off my feet. I'll return in July, and stick it out until Madison comes, then take another month or so off.

My school's huge hair show is coming up, it's May 31st. It's a 2 1/2 hour show in slc, about 2,000 people come to watch it. This years theme is Broadway, my group is doing Wicked. In my individual group, I have the Lion and an Emerald City girl. The three of us have spent HOURS hand making the two hair pieces and outfits. We are almost finished and I can't wait to get it over with. So much drama and stress comes along with hair show, and I need neither.

Funny Story of the Week:
So I watched a commercial about Beef, 'Whats for dinner'. It showed a few different dinners using beef and I was confused when I saw a picture of steak. It then dawned on me...just because we call it steak doesn't mean it's not beef. I never thought about it as beef. When I picture beef, I picture ground beef, so....surprise, steak is beef! I then realized our knowledge is all we take with us after we die, so I'm screwed.

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