Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Life Is What You Make It

So basically a lot is going on right now. Not like now now because right now frank is playing video games and i'm laying on the couch, but like now as in, this present time now. Today was my first day back to school and I wish i could report that it was a very productive day, but it wasn't. Because Frank's car is in the shop, i let him use mine, which lead to me forgetting to grab my mannequin. So today i helped McCall with her all over color client. This girl was a blast, we had so much fun hanging out and doing her hair, she stayed well after she was done just to talk with us. Then since i had no mannequin to do work on, i went to lunch. (which means i just sat in the break room for an hour, it's totally different from what i was doing before ;))After lunch our class got canceled so McCall and I went into the wax room and tried to take a nap on the beds. Trying to avoid trouble we ended up cleaning the whole room. We also tried waxing random parts of our body which led to swollen, red, painful patches of skin. But don't you worry, I wasn't going to do all of that out of the goodness of my heart. I had McCall bring my teacher into the wax room, she assumed i needed help with a wax. She was surprised to see me spot mopping the floor, funny how the timing was perfect for that. She was very impressed that we had spent the afternoon cleaning a room that wasn't our daily chore. (Our school is clever and makes the students do the cleaning at the end of each day).I was hoping to get a stamp on our monthly grids, but since i'm a huge teachers pet she gave me four random stamps. Now this is the kind of treatment i'm talking about. So technically it was a very productive day.
On the down side, i'm starting to get sick. Sore throat, weak body, and some delicious bloody bathroom visits. Living the dream basically. I would like to blame my severe lack of correct spelling on the sickness, but i can't fool anyone. Today I tried spelling "Awfully" like this..."Offley" hahaha WHOOPS. I swear my spelling isn't usually that bad, I must be really sick. At least in hair school, spelling, or math for that matter, aren't a necessity. If they were, I'm not quite sure I'd have a bright future ahead of me. But if there weren't people like me out there then we'd all be a bunch of goofy looking smart people....boring.

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